Do you need to quickly satisfy the lending institution’s insurance requirements on your new commercial lease or loan? Is that holding up your closing? Whether you are financing through us or someone else, we can help!
We specialize in providing comprehensive insurance for your leased or financed equipment.
- Very competitive pricing
- Rates will not change for the life of your lease, regardless of claims experienced
- No obligation – you can cancel at any time with no penalties
- personal claims service by experts in equipment leasing
- Flexible payment options: pay by credit card, direct bank debit or invoice
Have confidence in your coverage provided by Great American Insurance Company.
Covers Most Perils, Including Mechanical Breakdown. A partial list of covered perils include:
Flood – Power Surge – Theft – Operator Error** – Employee Theft* – Mechanical Breakdown**
Burglary – Collapse – Falling Objects – Firs & Smoke – Hail – Tornado & Hurricane
Lighting – Transit – Vandalism – Wind
Perils in bold are often not covered in a standard business owner policy.
* No coverage for theft by shareholder, director, partner or owner
**Mechanical Breakdown and Operator Error coverages are included on Machine Tools and Printing Equipment
We think you will find our insurance solution is faster and affordable. A better way to meet your insurance requirements. Call us today for a competitive quote that can be activated same day!